In this giveaway world where your mobile phone lasts for a few months if that and your PSP, ipod and PS2 all need to be upgraded within the year, why would a government - as Labor's Kevin Rudd proposed today - fund a computer for every student?
Where would all of these computers be housed? If they were not laptops, every school would be required to rebuild their classrooms just to accommodate them! If Labor was proposing laptops - a good proportion of students already own their own laptops! Does that mean they will now own two laptops? or will they get a refund for their former laptop? And how are they to carry textbooks and a laptop to school without getting robbed? The logistics of such a throwaway decision are incredible!
And of course the most important issue of all involves our teachers and administrators, many of whom still struggle to format a Powerpoint, have never entered information in a blog, or created a webpage. So - will the students teach the teachers first? or will the teachers pretend to instruct the students while their pupils play interactive gaming on a hidden window?
Unfortunately our two aspiring Presidents are apparently not in the Democrats business of democratic consultation or real planning before bribing the voters.
It's time to call the next government to account....